置頂文章 - Sticky post

About this blog

When I create this blog for my awesome journey in 2011, I wrote them all down in my mother tongue, which is Cantonese, without a thought. T...

Saturday, August 10, 2019

久違了的更新 - New update in years

還有在跟進本網誌的朋友,相信都知道每次我有更新都是因為我又會再去單車旅行。今次還是要讓你們失望 - 又是台灣,當然是因為其實沒有什麼心情走得遠。說過這裏只談風月,今天來是想通知各位小妹十九號起行,這次當然會像以往一樣把每天旅程的零碎紀錄下來,不過由於一九年以來發生過的事,小妹成長了不少,今次的旅程可能和以往沒有兩樣,但看風景的眼睛已經不盡相同。是次旅程會帶上半專業級全自動單鏡反光數碼相機,希望帶給讀者一個新的體現。這次希望能把我看到的台灣最美的一面帶給有緣人,一方面是個人為了紀念「看見台灣」攝製隊,另一方面是希望於台灣還未變藍之前好好的拍下留念。



For some of you might have already guessed that I am heading for another bike trip in short because I started to update this blog again. I would have to disappoint you because I am again going to Taiwan for this round. I am, apparently, not totally in the mood to go far or to go anywhere "special" to whatever definition. Politics has no room for this blog, as I have emphasized and reiterated before, so I am actually writing to announce that I am flying off to Taiwan on 19th. Just as usual and almost become a routine, I will note down anything and everything of my journey. However, as I said, this has almost become a mundane, in which I have grown out of a lot of my old superego, my perspective has inevitably changed without my permission, for this time round I will bring my semi-professional DSLR with me to show you the best face of Taiwan. This is on one hand in the memory of the "Beyond Beauty - TAIWAN FROM ABOVE" production crew, on the other hand to snap the Taiwan that is on the bleak of being completely blue. 

My best wishes to the era after contemporary.

About this blog

When I create this blog for my awesome journey in 2011, I wrote them all down in my mother tongue, which is Cantonese, without a thought. This make the blog to be unreadable even to other Chinese users. I would say this is understandable to someone who is so attached to this place, Hong Kong, for so many years. On the other hand, I have also taken into consider that there is nothing so special about my trip to stand out in the seas of bike blogs written in major language such as Chinese and English. I have, however, eventually translated them into Chinese and posted all them here. After eight years, I think I have grown up a lot, although my little child-like Dreamer is still running and poking around inside me, I have re-written all them extensively with refined language to express my then self better for an enhanced experience to all the readers and to myself. I didn't change that much as I am always being myself, but I am proud that I keep my promise to be a better man through all these pains, especially if you know what is happening at the time I write. Nevertheless, I am taking the chance that I am going to another trip in 9 days to tidy up here for a bit to ready for another trip entry. And I have not say anything about to give up in re-writing the stories in English.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 14 - 桃園一天遊

2012年10月7日 (晴)

台中 --> 客運 --> 桃園 --> 桃園國際機場

話說旅程到了尾聲, 又是回程的時候. 因為一些技術固障, 相片上載的次序跟顯示的次序倒傳了. 就好像每一次的獨自旅行一樣, 給人生來了一個回顧. 我想, 大概是一個天意. 所以, 就順其自然了.

Day 13 - 騎渡日月潭

2012年10月6日 (陰)

埔里 --> 台21 --> 日月潭 --> 台中火車站

這次很懶的沒有騎新中橫, 其實有點遺憾, 然後吸引力法則就來了, 那位英國車友說他要去看「那個湖」, 但是他連手機都沒有 =_= 最後, 因為我也沒有去過「那個湖」, 又因為我有個GPS, 所以今天就一起經過日月潭返回台中.

台21 是其中一段新中橫公路, 原本一點也沒有要踩的意思. 所以現在這個偽‧三橫一縱也不是真的很偽囉呵呵...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 12 - 一切的起點

台中埔里 --> 台14轉台14甲 --> 合歡山武嶺 --> 台中埔里

今次來這趟單車旅行, 目的就是要挑戰這條合歡山天堂路. 作為一個非長跑好手亦非競速型、沒有受過正規或者常規訓練的單車消閒手如小妹來說, 這不是一條開玩笑的路線. 除了因為是以數十公里計的連綿不斷的緩坡之外, 沒有受過強度訓練的城市人在三千多米海拔的高度是一定會有高山反應. 在高山反應出現下還要一名以消閒為主的單車手騎車爬坡, 我早就知道這天要面對的路程是只有迷戀挑戰自己肯定自我還要熱愛騎車的人才能應付.

一直到今天我還是不太肯定當年的自己是想要肯定或者證明什麼才會勞師動眾來挑戰武嶺. 過了三年之後的今天我可能知道一個究竟 - 大概是因為事業和家庭的瓶頸. 我認為這不是我命中要我經歷的東西. 我需要一個改變.

爬過這座3275米之後, 我的生命走進一個轉角. 一個從沙漠轉進熱帶雨林的轉角.

所以, 這次旅程的終點, 變成了我一切的起點. 也是我一個路上遇到的車友的一個起點.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day 11 - 點滴是生命

2012年10月4日 高雄  --> 火車 --> 台中 --> 埔里

早上八時起來梳洗整理, 離開昨天入宿的旅館, 就準備出發到埔里. 從高雄到台中大約二百公里的路, 當然就靠火車的接駁.

看google map 移一下滑鼠就到的地方, 想不到一直向東騎了共七十公里才到, 中間還是沒有作太多的休息. 

看GPS 就明白為什麼騎了六小時才完成七十公里, 原來是連續四十公里的緩坡. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 10 - 暴風雨的前夕

2012年10月3日 (晴)

屏東 --> 高雄東港(台十七) --> 小琉球 --> 高雄火車站(台十七)
